Transfer/Posting of Sr. PS. Order No. A-23023/1/2010/MFCGA(A)/NGE/SrPS/662 Dated 05th April 2016. Transfer/postings of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2016/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.B/1277 Dated 05th April 2016. Wanting of APAR(s) in r/o AOs for promotion as Sr. AO (deferred cases). No. A.21013/2014/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/APAR/1275 Dated 04th April 2016. Promotion of PAOs to the post of Sr. AO. No. A.32014/1/2013/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/Sr.AO/1271 Dated 01st April 2016. Transfer/Posting of Sr. AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFGA/Gr.B/Pt./1270 Dated 01st April, 2016. Grant of financial up-gradation in the grade of AAOs under MACPS. OM No. A-26011/MACPS/2015/MFCGA(A)/NGE/654 Dated 31st March 2016. Promotion of PAOs to the post of Sr. AO. OM No. A.21013/2015/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/APAR/1268 Dated 31st March 2016 . Promotion as PAO- Panel of 2015-16 . OM No. A-32014/1/2015/MFCGA/Gr.B/1267 Dated 31st March 2016. Transfer/Posting of AOs/Sr.AOs. OM No. -32014/1/2015/MFCGA/Gr.B/Pt.II/1266 Dated 31st March 2016. Appointment as AAO. OM No. A-32016/4/2012/MFCGA/AAO/515 Dated 30th March 2016. Appointment as AAO. OM No. A-32016/4/2012/MFCGA/AAO/514 Dated 30th March 2016. Inter-Ministry transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/511 Dated 29th March 2016. Inter-Ministry transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/MFCGA/IMTI/508 Dated 22nd March 2016. Transfer Policy of Gr. B(Gazetted) officers of Centrl Civil Accounts Service OM No. A.320141/2002/MF.CGA(A)/Gr.B/Vol.III/Policy/1234 Dated 21st March 2016 Transfer & Posting of AOs. OMNo.210/2015 No.A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MF.CGA/Gr.B/Pt./1177 Dated 4th March 2016 Transfer & Posting of AOs OM No.209/2015 No.A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MF.CGA/Gr.B/1176 Dated 4th March 2016 Transfer & Posting of AOs . OM No.208/2015 No.A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MF.CGA/Gr.B/1170 Dated 4th March 2016 Transfer & Posting of AOs. OM No.207/2015 No.A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MF.CGA/Gr.B/Pt./1155 Dated 26th February 2016 Confidential Report Dossier of AAOs for holding DPC for their promotion as AOs. OM No. 32012/2/2015/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/1144 Dated 23rd February 2016. Submission of APARs and vigilance clearance in respect of Accounts Officers for promotion as Sr. Accounts Officer for the vacancy year 2016-17. OM No. A 21013/2014/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/APAR/1126 Dated 18th February 2016 Gradattion List and sanctioned strength of Sr. PS/PS/Stenographers Grade I/II and Stenographers Grade III as on 01.01.2016 No. A-23023/1/2010/MF.CGA(A)/NGE/GI-Stenos/1092 Wanting of APARs & Vig. Clearance for Promotion of AOs as Sr. AOs. Order No. A.21013/2014/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/APAR/1093 Dated 12th January 2016 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AO. Order No. 203/2015/Trf./MF.CGA/Gr.B/Pt./1094 Dated 12th February 2016 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAO. Order No. 22014/1/2015/MF.CGA/AAO/IMT/DELHI/473 Dated 12th February 2016 Forwarding of applications for deputation OM No. A-35018/1/2015/MF.CGA(A)/Group B/1064 Dated 11th February 2016 Transfer/Posting Policy of Gr. B(Gazetted) officers of Centrl Civil Accounts Service OM No. A.320141/2002/MF.CGA(A)/Gr.B/Vol.III/Policy/1054 Dated 9th February 2016 Transfer/Posting Policy of Gr. B(Gazetted) officers of Centrl Civil Accounts Service OM No. A.320141/2002/MF.CGA(A)/Gr.B/Vol.III/Policy/1055 Dated 9th February 2016 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAO. Order No. 22014/1/2015/AAO/IMTI/464 Dated 8th February 2016 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AO. Order No. 200/2015/Trf.Req/MF.CGA/Gr.B/1037 Dated 4th February 2016 Corrigendum to Office. Order No. 198/2015 No.32014/1/2015/Trf./MF.CGA(A)/gR.b/pT./1038 Dated 04th February 2016 Promotion of LDCs as Accountants on seniority basis OM No. A.11020/1/2016-17/MF.CGA(A)/NG/535 Dated 4th February 2016 . Promotion of Group 'C' (MTS) as LDC on seniority basis. OM No.A.60015/1/CS/2016/MF.CGA(A)/NG/534 Dated 4th February 2016 Inter-Ministry Transfer of SrAOAOsAAO. OM No. A-45012/1/2009/MF.CGA/Sr.AO/Encl/1033 Dated 4th February 2016 OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/1035 Dated 4th February 2016 OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/1034 Dated 4th February 2016 OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/463 Dated 4th February 2016 OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMTI/462 Dated 4th February 2016 Inter Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/461 Dated 02nd February 2016. Confidential Report Dossier of AAOs for holding DPC for their promotion as AOs. OM No. A-32012/2/2015/MF-CGA(A)/Gr.B/1019 Dated 29th January 2016 Inter Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2013/MFCGA/AAO/Misc/452 Dated 21st January 2016. Submission of APARs & Current Vig. Clearance for Promotion of AOs as Sr. AOs. Order No. A.21013/2014/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/APAR/979 Dated 19th January 2016 Inter Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2013/MFCGA/AAO/Misc/446,47,448,449 and 450 Dated 15th January 2016. Inter Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-32015/4/2015/MFCGAl/AAO/IMT/Delhi/441 & 442 Dated 07th January 2016. Non-relieving of AAOs on promotion as PAOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2014/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/943 Dated 06th Januray 2016. Promotion of AAOs as PAO for the vacancy year 2015-16. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/902 Dated 31st December 2015. Transfer/postings of Sr.AOs. OM No. 32014/1/2015/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/901 dated 31st December 2015. Transfer/Posting of AOs/Sr.AOs. Order No.170/2015 OM No. 32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.B/Pt/884 Dated 21st December 2015. Transfer/Posting of AAOs. OM No. A-32016/4/2014/MfCGA/AAO/IMT/Delhi/409 Dated 11th December 2015 Confidential Report Dossier of AAOs for holding DPC for their promotion as AOs. OM No. A-32012/2/2015/MF-CGA(A)/Gr.B/831 Dated 9th December 2015 Reallocation of AAO OM No. A 32016/4/2014/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/400 Dated 08th December 2015 Submission of APARs and vigilance clearance in respect of Accounts Officers for promotion as Sr. Accounts Officer for the vacacy year 2016-17. OM No. A 21013/2014/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/APAR/810 Dated 07th December 2015. Transfer/Posting of AOs/Sr.AOs. OM No. 32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.B/800 Dated 04th December 2015. Promotion of AAOs as PAO for the Vacancy year 2015-16- 7 Additional working days to furnish the vigilance clearance for the AAOs posted at Chennai. OM No. A 32014/1/2014/Misc/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/753 Dated 03rd December 2015. Promotion of AAOs as PAO for the Vacancy Year 2015-16. OM No. A 32014/1/2015/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/754 Dated 3rd December 2015 Non-submission of ACRs/APARs/Vigilance Clearance of AAOs fo rpromotion as PAOs. OM No. A 32014/1/2015/DPC/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/799 Dated 02nd December 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr. AOs . OM No. 32014/1/2015/MFCGA/Gr.B/703 Dated 30th November 2015. Promotion of AAOs as PAO for the Vacancy Year 2015-16. OM No. A 32014/1/2015/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/700 Dated 27th November 2015. C ORRIGENDUM Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs. OM No. 32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.B/699 Dated 27th November 2015. Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAO. OM No. A-22016/4/2014/MF.CGA/AAO/IMTI/384 Dated 5th November 2015 Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. 32014/1/2015/Trf/MF.CGA/Gr'B'/665 Dated 30th October 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MF.CGA/AAO/IMTI/377 Dated 30th October 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMTI/Delhi/370 Dated 30th October 2015 OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMTI/Delhi/371 Dated 30th October 2015 OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMTI/Delhi/372 Dated 30th October 2015 OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMTI/Delhi/373 Dated 30th October 2015 OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMTI/Delhi/374 Dated 30th October 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMTI/357 Dated 27th October 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. 32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr'B'/649 Dated 27th October 2015 Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr'B'/Pt/641 Dated 23rd October 2015 Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr'B'/Pt/642 Dated 23rd October 2015 Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr'B'/Pt/643 Dated 23rd October 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/Trf.req/Misc/351 Dated 23rd October 2015 Transfer/Posting of Sr. Accounts Officers. OM No. 32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.B/640 Dated 21st October 2015. Grant of Proforma Promotion to the grade of PAO under Next Below Rule. OM No. A-32022/1/98/MFCGA/Gr'B'/637 Dated 20th October 2015. Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMTI/Delhi/347 Dated 19th October 2015. Transfer/Posting of Stenographer. Order No. A-23023/1/2010/MF.CGA(A)/NGE/Sr.PS/415 Dated 16th October 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr'B'/Pt/612 Dated 14th October 2015. Promotion of PAOs as Sr. AO. Order No. A.32014/1/2014/MFCGA(A)/(Gr.B)/602 Dated 12th October 2015. Inter-Ministry Tansfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/Delhi/335 Dated 12th October 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr'B'/Pt/601 Dated 12th October 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.'B'/Pt/598 Dated 09tjh October 2015. Representation regarding refusal to accept promotion as Pay & Accounts Officer. OM No. A-32012/2/2012/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/590 Dated 09th October 2015. Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAO. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MF.CGA/AAO/IMT/326 Dated 05th October 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.'B'/Pt/579 Dated 06th October 2015. Inter Ministry Transfer of Assistant Accounts Officers OM No. A.22014/1/2015/MF.CGA/AAO/IMT-1/317 Dated 30th September 2015 Proforma Promotion Order No. 103/2015 OM No.A-32022/1/98/MFCGA/Gr'B'/557 Dated 29th September 2015 Representation from Govt. Servant on Service Matters - Reiteration of Instructions OM No.19015/1/2011/Misc/MF.CGA/Gr.B/550 Dated 28th September 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/Misc/300 Dated 24th September 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr'B'/Pt.II/546Dated 24th September 2015 and No. A-32012/2/2012/Trf.Req/MFCGA/GrB/548 Dated 24th September 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MfCGA/AAO/IMT/Delhi/289 Dated 22nd September 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32015/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr'B'/Pt.II/533 Dated 22nd September 2015. Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs . OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/273 & A 22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/ IMTII/274 Dated 14th September 2015. Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs . OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/258 & 260 Dated 14th September 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr. AO . OM No. A-32014/1/2015/TrfReq/MfCGA/GrB/517 Dated 11th September 2015. Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAO . OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/Pt.File/254 Dated 11th September 2015 . Transfer/Posting of AO . OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MfCGA/GrB/Pt.II/511 Dated 11th September 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.'B'/508Dated 10th September 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.'B'/Pt.II/507 Dated 10th September 2015. Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs . OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/252 Dated 10th September 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.'B'/Pt./492 Dated 03rd September 2015. Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAO OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/234 Dated 03nd September 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAO OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/223 Dated 02nd September 2015. Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs . OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/Misc/220 Dated 01st September 2015. Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs . OM No. A-32016/5/2015/MFCGA/AAO10%/219 Dated 01st September 2015. Transfer/Posting in the cadre of Stenographer. No. A-32014/1/2015/MFCGA(A)/NGE/Sr.PS/PS/Steno/313 Dated 31st August 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr. AO/AO. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.'B'/477 Dated 28th August 2015 Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/Pt/467 Dated 21st August 2015 OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/Pt/471 Dated 21st August 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/Misc/202 Dated 19th August 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MF.CGA/AAO/IMT/1/P.file/187 Dated 17th August 2015, OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MF.CGA/AAO/IMT/190 Dated 18th August 2015, OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MF.CGA/AAO/IMT/191 Dated 18th August 2015, OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MF.CGA/AAO/IMT/192 Dated 18th August 2015, Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/Pt/445 Dated 17th August 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/1/186 Dated 17th August 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/1/185 Dated 17th August 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs at Delhi. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/Delhi/181 Dated 13th August 2015. Re-allocation of AAOs on Promotion as AO. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf.Req/MFCGA/Gr'B'/432 Dated 13th August 2015. Representation regarding refusal to accept Promotion as PAO. OM No. A-32014/2/2012/Trf.Req/MFCGA/Gr.'B'/429 Dated 13th August 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/423 Dated 12th August 2015 Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/Pt/422 Dated 12th August 2015 Transfer/Posting of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2013/MFCGA/AAO/Misc/178 Dated 11th August 2015 Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/Pt/412 Dated 11th August 2015 Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/Pt/413 Dated 11th August 2015 Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/Pt/414 Dated 11th August 2015 Cancellation of Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM Order No.83/2015 No.A-32014/1/2014/MFCGA/Gr.B/Pt.II/409 Dated 11th August 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/Pt.II/394 Dated 06th August 2015. Transfer/Posting of AAOs . OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT I/174 Dated 05th August 2015. Transfer/Posting of AAOs . OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT I/173 Dated 05th August 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr. AOs/AOs. No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf.Req/MF.CGA/Gr.B/ Dated 4th August 2015 Transfer/Posting of AAOs . OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MF.CGA/AAO/IMT II/171 Dated 4th August 2015 Deputing a Link Officer to look after the work of PAO (WCD), M/o HRD, Chennai . OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.B/380 Dated 03rd August 2015. Transfer/Posting of AAOs . OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT I/167 Dated 30th July 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr. AOs/AOs. No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/Pt.II/375 Dated 28th July 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr. AOs/AOs. No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/367 Dated 27th July 2015. Transfer/Posting of AO. No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf.Req/MFCGA/Gr.B/359 Dated 27th July 2015. Cancellation of Transfer Order . No. A-32014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT I/164 Dated 24th July 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr. AOs/AOs. No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/353 Dated 23rd July 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr. AOs/AOs. No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/352 Dated 23rd July 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr. AOs/AOs. No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/351 Dated 23rd July 2015 . Transfer/posting of Sr.AO. No. A. 32014/1/2015/trf/MFCGA/Gr.'B'/Pt.II/349 Dated 23rd July 2015. Transfer/postings of AAOs. No. A. 22014/1/2014/MFCGA/AAO/IMTI/Pt.File/161 Dated 23rd July 2015. Transfer/posting of Sr.AO. No. A. 32014/1/2015/trf/MFCGA/Gr.'B'/Pt.II/160 Dated 22nd July 2015. Non relieving of officials-AAOs promoted as PAOs, Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs and AAO (C) qualified officials on promotion as AAO. A-32014/1/2014/MfCGA(A)/Gr.B/Pt.II/158 Dated 22nd July 2015. Inter MinistryTransfer of Sr. AOs/AOs. No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/Trf./Gr.B/Pt./346 Dated 21st July 2015. Ante-dated Promotion as Accounts Officer. OM No. A-32014/1/2013/DPC/MFCGA(A)/Gr'B'/344 Dated 20th July 2015. Inter MinistryTransfer of Sr. AOs/AOs. No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/Trf./Gr.B/Pt./342 Dated 20th July 2015. Transfer/postings of AAOs. No. A. 22014/1/2014/MFCGA/AAO/IMT-I/Misc/156 Dated 20th July 2015 Inter Ministry Transfer of AAOs No.A. 22014/1/2014/MFCGA/AAO/IMT-I/153 Dated 17th July 2015 Promotion as PAO - Panel of 2011-12 (Order No. 70/2015) OM No. A-32014/1/2011/Gr.B/DPC/334 Dated 16th July 2015 Inter Ministry Transfer of AAOs No.A. 22014/1/2014/MFCGA/AAO/IMT-I/Pt.File/152 Dated 16th July 2015 Transfers/postings of AAOs No. 22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT-II/149 Dated 15th July 2015. Transfers/Postings of Sr. AOs/AOs. No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/Trf./Gr.B/308 Dated 13th July 2015. Transfers/Postings of Sr. AOs/AOs. No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/pt./307 Dated 10th July 2015. Transfers/Postings of Sr. AOs/AOs. No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.B/pt./297 Dated 7th July 2015. Non-relieving of AAOs on initial Posting and Inter-Ministry Transfers/Postings. OM No. 22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT-I/146 Dated 06th July 2015. Corrigendum: Transfers/postings of AAOs No. A-22014/1/2013/MFCGA/AAO/IMT-I/144 Dated 03rd July 2015 Promotion of LDCs as Accountant. OM No. A-11020/1/2015-16/MFCGA(A)/NG/225 Dated 03rd July 2015 . Transfers/Postings of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT-II/142 Dated 30th June 2015. Transfers/Postings of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT-II/141 Dated 30th June 2015. Transfers/Postings of Sr. AOs/AAOs. No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.B/pt./262 Dated 30th June 2015. Transfers/Postings of AAOs. OM No. 22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT-I/143 Dated 30th June 2015. Transfers/Postings of AAOs. OM No. 22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT-I/140 Dated 29th June 2015. Non-relieving of officials on transfer(PAO/SrAO) and promotion (AAO as PAO) . OM No. A-32012/2/2014/MfCGA(A)/Gr.B/236 Dated 25th June 2015. Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMTII/136 Dated 23rd June 2015. Promotion of Accountants as Sr. Accountant. OM No. A-11019/46/14/MFCGA/NG/Pro-Acctts/206 Dated 19th June 2015. Pending Service Records/APARs/Vigilance Clearance in r/o AAO (C) Exam 2014 passed officials. No. A-32014/1/2015/MfCGA/AAO/DPC/133 Dated 18th June 2015. Wanting of APARs and Vigilance Clearance in r/o AOs for promotion as Sr. AOs (deferred cases). No. A-21013/2014/MFCGA/Gr.B/APAR/209 Dated 16th June 2015. Promotion of PAOs to the post of Sr. AO. OM No. A-32014/1/2013/MFCGA/Gr.(B)/208 Dated 15th June 2015. Corrigendum: Grant of Proforma Promotion to the Grade of Sr. AO. No. A.32014/1/2013/MFCGA(Gr.B)/Promotionas Sr.AO/203 Dated 12th June 2015. Transfer/Posting of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf/MFCGA/Gr.'B'/pt./201 Dated 12th June 2015. Appointment of AAO (C) Exam 2013 passed official as AAO in Departmentalized Accounting Units - panel for the year 2014-15. OM No. A-32014/1/2014/MFCGA/AAO/DPC/127 Dated 12th June 2015. Appointment of AAO (C) Exam 2013 passed official as AAO in Departmentalized Accounting Units - panel for the year 2014-15. OM No. A-32014/1/2014/MFCGA/AAO/DPC/126 Dated 12th June 2015. Appointment of AAO(C) Exam 2012 passed official as AAO in Departmentalised Accounting Units-panel for the year 2015-16. OM No. A-32014/1/2014/MfCGA/AAO/DPC(Pt.File)/123 Dated 11th June 2015. Appointment of AAO(C) Exam 2012 passed official as AAO in Departmentalised Accounting Units-panel for the year 2014-15. OM No. A-32014/1/2014/MfCGA/AAO/DPC(Pt.File)/122 Dated 11th June 2015. Transfer Orders of AAOs. No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/125 Dated 11th June 2015 Grant of Proforma Promotion to the grade of Sr. AO. Order No. A-32014/1/2013/MFCGA(Gr.B)/Promotionas Sr.AO/188 Dated 8th June 2015. Transfer Orders of AAOs. No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/118 Dated 8th June 2015 Transfer/Posting of AAOs No.A-22014/1/2002/MFCGA/AAO/VIP/110 Dated 1st June 2015 Transfer/Posting of AAOs No.A-22014/1/2013/MFCGA/AAO/MISC/109 Dated 1st June 2015 Transfer/Posting of AAOs No.A-22014/1/2014/MFCGA/IMT I/pt.file/111 Dated 2nd June 2015 Transfer/Posting of AAOs No.A-22014/1/2013/MFCGA/AAO/Misc/108 Dated 01st June 2015 Transfer Order of Sr.AOs/AOs. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Trf./MfCGA/GrB/pt./154 Dated 29th May 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of Sr. AO. OM No. A-32014/1/2015/Misc/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/138 Dated 21st May 2015. Cancellation of Transfer. Corrigendum No. A-32014/1/2014/Misc/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/137 Dated 21st May 2015. Temporary Assignment with Additional Charge. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/AAO/Misc/105 Dated 20th May 2015. Transfer/posting of Private Secretaries Office Order No.A-32014/1/2015-NGE/Sr.PS/PS/Steno/131 Dated 19th May 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of Sr.AOs/AOs/ AAOs OM No. A-32014/1/2015/MFCGA/Gr'B'/104 Dated 18th May 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2015/MFCGA/IMT II/59 Dated 8th May 2015. Status of APARs and current vigilance clearance of Accounts Officers for promotion as Sr. AOs (Deferred Cases) No. A 21013/2014/MF.CGA/Gr.B/APAR/83 Dated 01st May 2015 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2014/MfCGA/IMTI(Pt.File)/09 Dated 20th April 2015. Combined Seniority List of AAO (Civil) Exam 2012 (Deferred Cases), AAO (Civil) Exam 2013 passed official and AAOs Promoted under 10%Quota for 2014-15. OM No. A-23022/3/2013/MFCGA/AAO/CSL/04 Dated 13th April 2015. Promotion of AAO (Civil) Examination 2014 passed officials- Furnishing of information/documents. OM No. A23022/3/2014/MFCGA/AAO/CSL/03 Dated 09th April 2015. Promotion of PAOs to Sr.AOs. OM No. A 32014/1/2014/MFCGA/GrB/3008 Dated 31st March 2015 Posting on Promotion/Inter-Ministry transfer of PAOs/Sr.AOs. OM No. A 32014/1/2014/MFCGA/GrB/1084 Dated 11th March 2015. Submission of APARs, Seen Certificate and Vigilance Clearance of AOs. No. A 21013/1/2014/MF.CGA/Gr.B/APAR/1014 Dated 18th February 2015. Submission of APARs, Statement of Acceptance of APAR and current Vigilance Clearance of Sr. AO(s) for induction into JTS of ICAS for the vacancy year 2015-16. No. A 21013/1/2015/MFCGA/Gr.B/ICAS/997 Dated 12th February 2015. Confidential Report Dossier of AAOs for holding DPC for promotion as AOs . No. A-32012/2/2014/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/912 Dated 8th January 2015. Submission of APAR(s)/Vigilance Clearance of AOs for promotions as Sr.AOs . D.O Letter No. A.21013/2014/MFCGA/GrB/APARs/849 Dated 29th December 2014. Promotion/Allocation of AAO(C) Exam 2013 passed officials and inter-ministry transfers/posting. No. A-32016/4/2014/MFCGA/AAO/696 Dated 24th December 2014 . Non-Submission of ACRs/APARs,Vigilance Clearance,Complete action on communication of adverse remarks etc: D.O. Letter No. A32014/1/2014/DPC/MFCGA(A)/GrB/831 Dated 22nd December 2014. ACRs/APARs and Vigilance Clearance of Sr. AOs. D.O. Letter No. A 21013/1/2015/MFCGA/GrB/ICAS/776 Dated 16th December 2014. Posting on Promotion/Inter-Ministry transfer of PAOs/Sr.AOs. OM No. A 32014/1/2014/MFCGA/GrB/714 Dated 28th November 2014. Transfer on promotion as AAO and PAO - Amendment to existing transfer policy dated 14-5-2008 and subsequent amendment dated 14-5-2009. OM No. A 32014/1/2002/MFCGA(A)/Group B/Vol.III/704 dated 25th November 2014. Promotion/Allocation of AAO(C) Exam 2013 passed officials and inter-ministry transfers/posting/re-allocation. No. A 32016/4/2014/MFCGA/AAO/417 Dated 20th November 2014. Date of Joining of Sr. Accountant for promotion as AAO under 10% quota for the year 2012-13 and for the year 2013-14. OM No. A-32016/5/2013/MFCGA/AAO10%/Vol.II/416 Dated 19th November 2014. Status of APARs of Accounts Officers for promotion as Sr. AOs (Deferred Cases). No. A 21013/01/2013/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/ACRs/690 Dated 19th November 2014. Promotion/Allocation of AAO(C) Exam 2013 passed officials and inter-ministry transfer/posting/re-allocation No.A-32016/4/2014/MFCGA/AAO/335 Dated 22nd October 2014 Promotion/Allocation of AAO(C) Exam 2012, 2013 passed officials and inter-ministry transfer/posting/re-allocation No.A-32016/4/2014/MFCGA/AAO/270 Dated 13th October 2014 Provisional Consideration Zone (Seniority List) for Promotion of Sr. Accountants as AAOs under 10% Seniority Quota for the year 2014-15-Reminder. OM No. A 32016/5/2013/MFCGA/AAO10%/1224 Dated 25th August 2014. Posting on Promotion /Inter-ministry Transfer of PAOs/Sr.AOs. OM No. A 32014/1/2014/MFCGA/GrB/412 Dated 6th August 2014 Inter-ministry Transfer of PAOs/Sr.AOs. OM No. A 32014/1/2014/Trf/MFCGA/GrB/365 Dated 1st August 2014. Inter-ministry Transfer of AAOs . OM No. A 22014/1/2014/MFCGA/AAO/IMT 1/ Dated 31st July 2014 Promotion of PAOs to the post of Sr.AO . Office Order No. A 32014/1/2013/MFCGA(G.rB)/PromotionasSr.AO/340 Dated 23rd July 2014. Provisional Consideration Zone (Seniority List) for Promotion of Sr. Accountants as AAOs under 10% Seniority Quota for the year 2014-15. OM No. A 32016/5/2014/MFCGA/AAO10%/319 Dated 16th July 2014. Posting on Promotion/Inter-ministry Transfer of Sr.AOs/PAOs. OM No. A 32014/1/2014/MFCGA/Gr'B'/299 Dated 11th July 2014 Date of Joining of Sr. Accountant for promotion as AAO under 10% quota for the year 2013-14. OM No. A32016/5/2013/MFCGA/AAO10%/Vol.II/42 Dated 6th May 2014. Status of ACSs/APARs of AOs for promotion as Sr.AOs (Deferred Cases). OM No. A 21013/01/2013/MF.CGA(A)/Gr.B/ACRs/220 Dated 17th June 2014. Inter-ministry Transfer of Sr.AOs/PAOs. OM No. A 32014/1/2013/MFCGA/Gr'B'/184 Dated 13th June 2014. Promotion of LDCs as Accountant on Seniority basis. OM No. A.11020/1/2014-15/MFCCA(A)/NG/64 Dated 2nd June 2014. Non-submission of ACRs/APARs, Vigilance Clearance Certificate resulting in deferment of Promotions . D.O. No. A 32014/1/2014/DPC/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/143 Dated 22nd May 2014. ACRs/APARs and Vigilance Clearance of Sr. AOs. OM No. 21013/1/2014/MFCGA/GrB/ICAS/128. Promotion of Accountants to Sr. Accountants. OM No. A.11019/46/13/MFCGA/NG/Pro-Acctts/55 Dated 19th May 2014 Date of Joining of Sr. Accountant for promotion as AAO under 10% quota for the year 2013-14. OM No. A32016/5/2013/MFCGA/AAO10%/Vol.II/42 Dated 6th May 2014. Status of ACRsAPARs of AAOs in the zone of consideration for promotion OM No.32012/2/2014/MF.CGA(A)/Gr.'B'/1330 Dated 28th March 2014 Posting on Promotion/Interministry Transfer of PAOs/Sr.AOs. OM No. A 32014/1/2013/MFCGA/Gr'B'/1258 Dated 6th March 2014. Assignment of the work of Direct Benefit Transfer through PFMS to Sr.AO/AOs/AAOs/Sr.Accountants/Accountants . OM No.A-32014/1/2010/Misc./MF.CGA(A)/Gr.'B'/1248 Dated 27th February 2014. Combined Seniority List of Sr. Accountant for promotion as AAO under 10% quota. OM No. A-32016/5/2012/MFCGA/AAO10%/Vol III/1221 Dated 21st February 2014. List of Sr. Accountants approved for promotion as AAO under 10% Promotional Seniority Quota for the year 2013-14. OM No. A-32016/5/2013/MFCGA/AAO10%/Vol I/1201 Dated 19th February 2014. Provisional Panel of Sr. Accountant for promotion as Assistant Accounts Officer under 10% quota for the year 2013-14. OM No. A-32016/5/2013/MFCGA/AAO10%/Vol I/1200 Dated 19th February 2014. Provisional Panel of Sr. Accountant for promotion as Assistant Accounts Officer under 10% quota for the year 2013-14. OM No. A-32016/5/2013/MFCGA/AAO10%/Vol I/1187 Dated 13th February 2014. ProvisionalPanel of Sr. Accountant for promotion as Assistant Accounts Officer under 10% quota for the year 2013-14 OM No. A-32016/5/2013/MFCGA/AAO 10%/1173 Dated 05th February 2014 Promotion of PAOs to the post of Sr. AOs. OM No.A.32014/1/2013/MF.CGA(Gr.B)/Promotion as Sr.AO/1165 Dated 31st January 2014 ProvisionalPanel of Sr. Accountant for promotion as Assistant Accounts Officer under 10% quota for the year 2013-14 OM No. A-32016/5/2013/MFCGA/AAO 10%/1133 Dated 22nd January 2014 Forwarding of advance copy of representation for transfer & posting /application for deputation posts to CGA's office by staff of CCAs. OM No. A-32014/1/2002/MF.CGA(A)/Group B/Vol. III/1130 Dated 22nd January 2014 Promotion/Allocation of AAO(Civil) Examination 2012 passed officials. OM No. A-32016/4/2013/MFCGA/AAO/500 Dated 21st January 2014 Posting on Promotion/ Inter Ministry Transfer of PAOs/ Sr. AO. OM No.A.32014/1/2013/MF.CGA/Gr.'B'/1009 Promotion as Sr.AO/391 Dated 10th January 2014 Provisional Panel of Sr. Accountant for promotion as Assistant Accounts Officer under 10% quota for the year 2013-14. OM No. A-32016/5/2013/MFCGA/AAO 10%/892 Dated 24th December 2013 Promotion of PAOs to the post of Sr. AOs. OM No.A.32014/1/2013/MF.CGA(Gr.B)/Promotion as Sr.AO/391 Dated 30th December 2013 Inter-Ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2013/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/437 Dated 20th December 2013. Promotion of Sr.Accountants as AAOs under 10% Promotional Seniority Quota. OM No. A-32016/5/2012/MFCGA/AAO 10%PARTFILE/872 Dated 16th December 2013. Inter-ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2013/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/398 Dated 2nd December 2013 Combined seniority list of Sr. Accountant for promotion as Assistant Accounts Officer under 10% quota. OM No. A-32016/5/2013/MFCGA/AAO10%/858 Dated 2nd December 2013 Inter-ministry Transfer of AAOs. OM No. A-22014/1/2013/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/397 Dated 29th November 2013 Status of ACRs/APARs of AOs for Promotion as Sr.AOs for vacancy year 2014-15 OM No.A.21013/01/2013/MF.CGA(A)/Gr.B/ACRs/669 Dated 3rd October 2013 Assignment of the work of Direct Benefit Transfer through CPSMS to Sr.AO/AOs OM No.A-32014/1/2010/Misc./MF.CGA(A)/Gr.'B'/741 Dated 25th October 2013 Posting on promotion of AAOs as PAOs - OM No.A-32014/1/2013/MFCGA/Gr'B'/742 Dated 25th October 2013 Inter-Ministry Transfer of Sr.AO/PAOs - OM No. A-32014/1/2013/Trf./MFCGA/Gr'B'/707 Dated 11th October 2013 Inter-ministry Transfer of AAOs OM No. A-22014/1/2013/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/318 Dated 11th October 2013 Promotion of 12th class Pass Group 'C' (MTS) as LDC on the basis of limited Departmental Qualifying Examination OM No.A.12034/6/2012/MF.CGA(A)/NG/287 Dated 3rd October 2013 Sr. Accountants for promotion as AAO under 10% seniority quota OM No. A-32016/4/2012/MFCGA/AAO/Gr.B/655 Dated 1st October 2013 Promotion of 12th class Pass Group 'C' (MTS) as LDC on the basis of limited Departmental Qualifying Examination: OM No. A-12034/6/2012/ MF.CGA(A)/NG/ 208 Dated 22nd August 2013 Combined seniority list of Sr. Accountant for promotion as Assistant Accounts Officer under 10% quota OM No. A-32016/5/2012/MFCGA/AAO10%/562 Dated 21st August 2013 Inter-Ministry Transfer of PAOs/Sr.AOs: OM No. A 32014/1/2013/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.'B'/560 Dated 16th August 2013 Inter-Ministry Transfer of PAOs/Sr.AOs: OM No. A 32014/1/2013/Trf./MFCGA/Gr.'B'/530 Dated 12th August 2013 . Promotion of Sr. Accountants as AAOs under 10% Promotional Seniority quota. No. A 32016/5/2012/MFCGA/AAO10%/199 Dated 2nd August 2013. Promotion of Sr. Accountants as AAOs under 10% OM No.A32016/5/2012/MFCGA/AAO10%/152 Dated 17th July 2013 Inter-Ministry Transfer of Sr.AO/PAOs - OM No. A-32014/1/2013/Trf./MFCGA/Gr'B' Dated 12th July 2013 Inter-Ministry Transfer of Assistant Accounts Officers - OM No. A-22014/1/2013/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/140 Dated 12th July 2013 Promotion of 12th class Pass Group 'C'(MTS) as LDC on the basis of limited Departmental Qualifying Examination: OM No. A-12034/6/2012/ MFCGA(A)/NG/ 129 Dated 10th July 2013 . Combined Seniority list of Sr. Accountants for promotion as AAO under 10% quota. OM No. A-32016/5/2012/MFCGA/AAO 10%/355 Dated 10th July 2013. Assignment of the work of Direct Benefit Transfer through CPSMS to Sr.AO/AO/AAOs OM No.A-32014/1/2010/Misc./MF.CGA(A)/Gr.'B'/328 Dated 24th June 2013 Assignment of the work of Direct Benefit Transfer through CPSMS to Sr.AO/AO/AAOs OM No.A-32014/1/2010/Misc./MF.CGA(A)/Gr.'B'/318 Dated 20th June 2013 Combined seniority list of Sr. Accountants for promotion as AAOs under 10% quota OM No. A-32016/5/2012/MF.CGA/AAO10%/311 Dated 18th June 2013 . Inter-ministry Transfer Order of Sr.AO/PAOs.OM No.A-32014/1/ 2013/Trf./ MFCGA/Gr.'B'/289 Dated 10th June 2013 Assignment of the work of Direct Benefit Transfer through CPSMS to Sr.AO/AOs OM No.A-32014/1/2010/Misc./MF.CGA(A)/Gr.'B'/284 Dated 10th June 2013 Promotion of Multi Tasking Staff as LDC on seniority basis-5%quota: OM No. A.60015/1/CS/2013-14/MF.CGA(A)/NG/88 Dated 5th June 2013. Promotion of LDCs as Accountant on the basis of seniority: OM No. A11020/1/2013-14/MF-CGA(A)/NG/97 dated 31st May 2013. Promotion of Accountants to Sr. Accountants: OM No. A.11019/46/12/MFCGA/NG/Pro-Acctts/75 Dated 22nd May 2013. Combined seniority list of Sr. Accountants for promotion as AAOs under 10% quota OM No. A-35018/1/2012/MF.CGA(A)/AAO/CSL10%/161 Dated 14th May 2013 Promotion of Sr. Accountants as AAOs under 10% OM No.A32016/5/2012/MFCGA/AAO10%/21 Dated 03rd May 2013 Allocation of PAOs/Sr,AOs on completion of NIFM Training OM No. A-32014/1/2012/MFCGA/Gr.'B'/76 Dated 01st May 2013 Inter-ministry Transfer of AAOs OM No. A-22014/1/2013/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/19 Dated 01st May 2013 Promotion of Sr. Accountants as AAOs under 10% OM No.A32016/5/2012/MFCGA/AAO10%/20 Dated 01st May 2013 Inter-ministry Transfer Order of AAOs OM No.A-22014/1/2012/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/02 Dated 5th April 2013 Combined seniority list of Sr. Accountants for promotion as AAOs under 10% quota OM No. A-32016/5/2012/MFCGA/AAO10% Dated 3rd April 2013 Appointment as 'Acting AAOs' as an interim measure to fill up the vacancies in ghe grade of AAO in Pay & Accounts Offices OM No. A-32016/2/2010/MFCGA/Acting AAO/733 Dated 28th March 2013 Promotion of PAOs to the post of Sr. AOs Order No.A.32014/1/2012/ MF.CGA(GrB)/Promotion as Sr.AO/1315 Combined seniority list of Sr. Accountants for promotion as AAOs under 10% quota OM No. A-32016/5/2012/MFCGA/AAO10%/1312 Dated 15th March 2013 List of pending ACRs/APARs, Vigilance Clearance etc. of AAOs in the zone of consideration for promotion as PAOs OM No. 32012/2/2012/MF.CGA/ Gr.'B'/1310 Dated 15th March 2013 – REMINDER III Promotion of Sr. Accountants as AAOs under 10% seniority quota OM No. A-32016/4/2012/MFCGA/AAO/Gr.'B'/711 Dated 8th March 2013 List of pending ACRs/APARs, Vigilance Clearance etc. of AAOs in the zone of consideration for promotion as PAOs OM No. 32012/2/2012/MF.CGA/ Gr.'B'/ 1250 Dated 21st February 2013 List of pending ACRs/APARs, Vigilance Clearance etc. of AAOs in the zone of consideration for promotion as PAOs OM No. 32012/2/2012/MF.CGA/ Gr.'B'/ 1250 Dated 21st February 2013 Transfer of Sr.AOs/PAOs who have completed 4 years in one Ministry - Information sought - DO letter No. A-32014/1/2013/MFCGA/Gr.B/1244 dated 15th February 2013 Transfer of AAOs who have completed 4 years in one Ministry - Information sought - DO letter No. A-22014/1/2013/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/668 dated 14th February 2013 Appointment of AAO(C) Examination passed officials as AAOs in Departmentalized Accounting Unit OM No.A-32016/2/2012/MFCGA/AAO/Gr 'B'/ dated 08.02.2013 sanctioned strength of AAOs & PAOs/Sr.AOs as on 1.1.2013 OM.No. A-22014/1/2012/MFCGA/Gr'B/GL/645 Dated 5.2.2013 Posting on Promotion/Interministry transfer order of PAOs/Sr.AOs- OM No. A32014/1/2012/MFCGA/Gr'B'/1178 Dated 05.02.2013. Grant of Proforma Promotion of PAOs to the Grade of Sr. AOs -OM No.A.32014/1/2012/MF.CGA(Gr.B)/Promotions as Sr.AO/1181 Dated 06.02.2013 Promotion Order of Accounts Officers to the grade of Sr.AOs for vacancy year 2013-14. OM No. A21013/01/2012/MFCGA(A)/Gr.B/ACSs/1063 dated 8th January 2013 Promotion of Sr. Accounants as AAOs(10% Quota). OM No. A-32016/5/2011/MFCGA/AO/CSL10%/1032 dated 26.12.2012. Promotion of Pay & Accounts Officers to the post of Sr. AOs Order No.A-32014/1/2012/MF-CGA(Gr.B)/Promotion as Sr.AO/1030 dated 24.12.2012 Promotion AAO(Civil) Examination 2011 passed officials - OM No. A-23022/3/2011/MFCGA/AAO/CSL/571 Dated 14.12.2012571 Promotion/Inter-ministry Transfer Order - OM No.A-32014/1/2012/MFCGA/Gr'B'/944 dated 22nd November 2012 Inter-Ministry Transfer/Promotion Order - OM No. A- 2014/1/2012/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/536 Dated 12.11.2012 Posting on Promotion/Inter-ministry transfer order - OM No. A-32014/1/2012/MFCGA/Gr'B'/774 dated 19th October 2012 Transfer Order - OM No. A-22014/1/2011/MFCGA/AAO/TMT/493 dated 18th October 2012 Appointment of AAO(C) Examination passed officials as AAO - OM No.A-32016/4/2011/MFCGA/AAO Spl/445 Dated 26th September 2012 OM No. A32014/1/2011/MFCGA/Gr.'B'/719 dated 4th October 2012 Appointment of AAO(C) Examination passed officials as AAO in Departmentalized Accounting Unit - OM No. A-32016/4/2011/MFCGA/AAO/SPL/444 Dated 21st September 2012 Inter Ministry transfer of AAOs. OM No.A-22014/1/2012/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/435 dated 13th September 2012 Posting on Promotion and Inter Minsitry Transfer of AAOs/PAOs/Sr.AOs OM No.724/2011 issued vide OM No. 661 dated 10th September 2012 Non-implementation of Interministry transfer orders of Sr. AOs/PAOs/AAOs. OM No. 657 dated 5th September 2012 Inter Ministry transfer of AAOs OM No.A-22014/1/2012/MFCGA/AAO/IMT/390 dated 23rd August 2012 Inter Ministry transfer of PAOs/Sr.AOs. Corrigendum No.681/2011 issued vide OM NO 594 dated 23rd August 2012 Posting on Promotion and Inter Ministry Transfer of AAOs/PAOs/Sr.AOs. Order No.682/2011 issued vide OM No 595 dated 23rd August 2012
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