Section 4(1)(b)(i) of RTI Act 2005
Particulars of its organization, functions and duties
The Controller General of Accounts (CGA) in the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance is the Principle Accounting Advisor to the Government of India on accounting matters and is responsible for establishing and maintaining a sound and efficient accounting and financial reporting system. The CGA is assisted by officers of the Indian Civil Accounts Service who have expertise in different aspects of accounting, budgeting and public financial management. As per the departmentalized accounting arrangements, operational responsibility for accounting, reporting and internal audit functions in Civil Ministries is discharged by officers of the Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS). Each Ministry headed by either a Principal Chief Controller of Accounts (Pr.CCA), Chief Controller of Accounts (CCA) or a Controller of Accounts (CA) as the case may be. Under the overall supervision of CGA, they assist the Secretary of the Ministry who is the Chief Accounting Authority of the Ministry. The Pr.CCAs/CCAs/ CAs discharge their duties and responsibilities through the Principal Accounts Office (Pr. AO) at headquarters and Pay & Accounts Offices (PAOs) at the field level.
Vision As a professional accounting organization, our vision is to strengthen governance through excellence in public financial management. Mission
For details on service and organisation set up see ICAS Profile (click here)
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