The Public Financial Management System (PFMS),earlier known as Central Plan Schemes Monitoring System (CPSMS), is a web-based online software application developed and implemented by the Office of Controller General of Accounts (CGA). PFMS was initially started during 2009 as a Central Sector Scheme of Planning Commission with the objective of tracking funds released under all Plan schemes of GoI, and real time reporting of expenditure at all levels of Programme implementation. Subsequently in the year 2013, the scope was enlarged to cover direct payment to beneficiaries under both Plan and non-Plan Schemes. The latest enhancement in the functionalities of PFMS commenced in late 2014, wherein it has been envisaged that digitization of accounts shall be achieved through PFMS and the additional functionalities would be built into PFMS in different stages. Beginning with Pay & Accounts Offices payments, the O/o CGA did further value addition by proposing to bring in more financial activities of the Government of India in the ambit of the project.
The primary objective of PFMS is to facilitate sound Public Financial Management System for Government of India (GoI) by establishing an efficient fund flow system as well as a payment cum accounting network. PFMS provides various stakeholders with a real time, reliable and meaningful management information system and an effective decision support system, as part of the Digital India initiative of GoI The enhanced application is envisaged to cater to all Plan and Non Plan payments of GoI, all tax and non-Tax receipts and also functions such as a comprehensive HRMIS and self-contained pension as well as GPF modules. Futuristically, all the existing standalone systems currently catering to various functions in Government of India will be subsumed in PFMS.
The biggest strength of PFMS is its integration with the Core banking system in the Country. As a result, PFMS has the unique capability to push online payments to almost every beneficiary/vendor. At present, PFMS interface is having interface in addition to the Core Banking System (CBS) of all Public Sector Banks, Regional Rural Banks, major private sector banks, Reserve Bank of India, India post and Cooperative Banks.
Click Here to visit the site of PFMS User Manuals : Vol. 1 - Toolkit for Pr.AO & PAO Vol. II - Toolkit for Program Division & DDO Vol. III - Toolkit for Additional Functionalities in PFMS
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